Wednesday 22 May 2013

A Letter for Shane, my Friend.

Hello there,

A friend of mine has Cancer with a capital C, he was diagnosed  last year and after a rigorous course of chemotherapy his entire stomach was removed and a new one built.  (Which in itself is amazing!)  After tests he was told everything was OK, his cancer was gone.  Now, less than six months later its back.  He knows he has only months to live and whilst myself and his other friends feel helpless and scared for him and angry at the wrongness of such a charming, kind and funny man having this thrust upon both he and his lovely family, he himself, is still coming into work, living each day to the full and promising himself a 'wing walking' experience next month when he goes on a final holiday with his beautiful wife!

Typical Shane!
Last week we had coffee together, "I'm sorry Dede," he said, "but I may not get to finish your book and I want to know how it ends, I'm enjoying it so far, you write well!"  I nearly burst into tears right in front of him, his bravery and stoicism in the face of his prognosis, humble me.  He is loved by not just his family but also by his many friends, all of whom look up to him with both admiration and respect, this clever, knowledgeable man whose humour is renowned, trained not only me but I imagine a quarter of the officers at London Heathrow.

Shane, my prayer for you is that a miracle will happen, that your months will become years and you get to spend more time with your lovely family, doing exactly the things you want to do.  Maybe even taking Jayne on the back of your Harley Davidson roaring along the entire length of Route 66!  

I want you to know you put me to shame my friend, I am ashamed for worrying about the stupid stuff, you know what I mean, family, relationships and things like my smile, I don't smile as often as I could because I don't particularly like my vampire teeth.  I don't like the wrinkles that mean I'm getting older, I complain about my 'baby belly' the stretched skin most mums have around their middle that's hard to lose and I moan because I'm 'vertically challenged' as you say, 5'2", well 5'1 and a bit!  And although I love my job I'd rather win the lottery and stay home to write full time...

Today though and because of you I will smile, I promise from today and everyday forward I will count my blessings, today I will give grateful thanks to 'whomever' is out there that you are still my friend, that I am alive and that I can feel the wind in my hair and the sun on my face, even if it has to travel further to reach me. 

You trained me way back then Shane, you are training me still... 


Dede X


  1. Shane sounds like an amazing man, and it sounds as if you have the makings of an amazing woman–perhaps because of Shane. Your beautiful letter touched my own heart. Thank you for this good reminder about what's truly important in life.
    ~ Tim

  2. Tears in my eyes, such a beautiful post Dee. Shane sounds like a really lovely friend to have xxx
