Just thought I'd share a big boob I made...

This one for Prophecy's Heir.
This one for the second part, I called it 'The One'
I proceeded to sit back and watch the downloads, gratifyingly within a few days Tess 1, Prophecy's Heir had 168 downloads and Tess 2, The One had 68, Tess 2's downloads were all within 24 hours of my publishing it. Big Smiles....
I thought that with such a different cover I'd try the change on Amazon, where the two books were available as one volume. On checking I realised Tess 1 was tied into an exclusive thing, KDP Select, with Amazon... so by publishing on Smashwords I had violated the select thingy... :(
I quickly suspended the downloads from Smashwords and emailed an apology and also emailed Amazon to explain what I had done. I needn't have worried as both the Smashwords people and Amazon were great about it, so my grateful thanks go to both of the companies, but a word to the wise... check the contracts you have before trying something else! A bit of gobbledegook, but you know what I mean. Amazon was very good to me here. I love seeing my books on Amazon and I also love the Smashwords site. The Smashwords Style Guide, by Mark Coker, which is available free from Smashwords is a really great tool and enabled me to format my stuff quickly and easily. (Tess 1 being soooo long, leaves quickly as a relative term... lol)
Anyhoo, the two reformatted books will once again be available for download from Smashwords on 26th October, in a couple of weeks in fact, meanwhile both books are now available on Amazon on all their various sites.
A quick note, I did put a warning onto Facebook about not buying, 'the One' if you purchased the long version of The Tessellation Saga, in its original cover.
What's that noise?
Duh... its London Heathrow calling...
See yer next time...
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