Wednesday, 17 July 2013

'I Vow To Thee My Country'

Hi Guys,

     I wasn't sure about writing happy and jolly 'stuff'after seeing Shane on the day he died, his wife very graciously allowed me to come say goodbye in person, I held his hand and he squeezed my fingers when I told him how much we all loved him and how he would be sorely missed. I even managed to make him laugh. (I can't say how but it was funny!) Then later that day Jane let me know he had gone.  I wasn't going to write this post, in fact I had something entirely different in mind  for today but as soon as I sat, well... you know how it is.
     His  funeral was amazing  and I suddenly thought he would want the world to know we were all there, that most of us were dressed in VERY bright colours and 60% of the mourners were dressed in pink, Shanes favourite colour. Personally I wore a bright Orange Jacket, a white boob tube and a pair of high waisted very wide legged brown, orange, yellow and green trousers.
     Family and friends from outside work attended and so many older friends from Heathrow's old Terminal 2, as well as many of his new friends from Terminal 5, I hope the attendance did both he and his wife Jane proud.
     The hurst arrived attended by a couple of Harley Davidson bikes, a roar of goodbye from the engine revs could have been heard for miles and seeing big ruff tough bikers in tears was a very touching indeed, it shows how much Shane was loved. The coffin itself was covered in a Union flag and all his medals were displayed on the top. We even sang 'I vow to thee my Country' as his goodbye hymn. We listened to tales from his military service history, learnt about his affinity with horses and his love of family, of Mrs Wabbit, and could see her love for him! I think he would have been moved to see us all there for them both.
     After the ceremony, we all traipsed down to the pub where we laughed and joked, some of us cried a little too, all reminiscing,  anecdotes about the old 'silver fox' were on everyone's lips on every corner of the field.
     So this is my last post about Shane and my last Goodbye to a very special man who touched many lives and many many hearts.
     Today his eldest boy has his 'passing out' parade and I'm sure Shane will be there watching to ensure his son starts his military duties in style.  So Good Luck Jack, I'm sure you'll make everyone proud!  

love Dede xxxxxxxxxx

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