First a really big Thank You, I had a really tremendous response from 'my letter to Shane' (my last post) I really didn't expect it and have passed on all the kind messages, through Facebook, g mail and private messaging, to Shane himself, some from people who don't even know him, so thank you again from the bottom of my heart. He is and will always be an inspirational figure to all who know him. We had coffee again today, he's still at work and still laughing!
The title of this post is, 'A Small World' mainly because I just happened to see the world wide statistics for my blog today and was amazed at the countries where people actually read my ramblings. I must own I didn't know how to do it until my beautiful blogging niece, Sylvia, (who just happens to be the new costume designer for 'The Nightmare Realm', in Cork, Ireland, no excuses for name dropping here) showed me how to check.
Sylvie is a clever girl, very 'arty crafty'
This is us, earlier this year though strangely I don't remember her growing to be soooo tall, bless, she is even bending down somewhat!
Back to the 'Small World' thing. I ramble on about stuff that I feel is important, to me anyway, or on my mind at the time and people across the world read it! I was astonished when I read the countries list...
United Kingdom, United States, Russia, Greece, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Germany, Bahrain, Canada, Poland, China and Croatia.
So another big thank you to everyone who reads my 'stuff'. I don't claim it to be clever, inspirational or worldly but it is how I see things. From how my garden is doing, loath the slugs, through how much I am loving the characters in my book, The Tessellation Saga, Prophecy's Heir, as I read and re-read to get the editing right, to world wide news events like the terrible murder of Lee Rigby, the Drummer mown down and hacked to pieces in front of his barracks. I cried when I watched the TV footage.
Not every Muslim is a terrorist or a fanatic, I work at London Heathrow and many of the folk I work with are Muslim. All the people I know are kind, generous, open and friendly, respecting my beliefs as I do theirs.
The world is a small place people, why can we not live in it together as one, we are all human after all, we are all one.
Thanks again for reading...
Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee til next time,
England football team are playing the Republic of Ireland tonight, personally, I don't mind who wins... I have family in both countries.
Ooh I bet Nick enjoyed that game, I didn't see it (or didn't even know about it till I read your post!) Thanks for the name dropping lol, miss you loads! Lots of love xxx