Do you ever get into one of those situations where time runs away with you and before you know it its next week. Anyhoo...
I've spent the last few weeks re-editing Prophecy's Heir for Smashwords, yet another digital publisher. It was really quite tough too as I had to totally re-format the book from scratch. Also after taking advice from a number of friends I've had to make Prophecy's Heir into two books. So both come out as a more manageable 125,000 instead of the whopping 230,000 ish words. I also changed the cover to a more exciting one, full of flame and mystery. (never did much like the old cover) The original version of Prophecy's Heir is still on sale at Amazon with its old cover. I mention it because I would hate for folk to buy the Smashwords versions of 'Prophecy's Heir' book 1, and 'The One' book 2, when together they make up the entire first book thats available on Amazon!

So... what do you think of the new cover? I created it on gimp with a lot of help from youtube, with Aubrey Watt and it took me an absolute age. Well, a long morning anyway! I just love it. Compare it to the amazon cover on the right. Up there outside of the writing pane!
Book 2, 'The One' has a very similar themed cover although I've not finished re-formatting the book for Smashwords yet. I'll publish it just as soon as I'm done and let you know. Book 3 will still be called 'MeGath' but I've not even begun to think that far ahead... (don't think my knees would hold out for the mammoth sit! Anyone have any idea how to ease the strain?)

This is the cover I've designed for book 2, what do you think? As I said you can see I've kept the same fiery theme with the deep black representing the Void. I changed the font to bold too as I think possibly there's more impact. I just love the vibrancy and the dramatic colour changes.
Gotta go mundane life is calling...
Thanks for the emails and tweets...
Till next time then, byeeeeeeeeeeeeee